Do compostable materials make a difference if it’s all going in the trash can anyway?


Let’s say you buy a bag of chips and the bag states it’s compostable. If you don’t throw the bag of chips in an actual compost and instead put them in the regular trash can, is this equally bad for the environment? Compare to a regular bag of chips made of plastic. If it is better for the compost bags to go in the trash, why? It’s all going underground anyways. Yes I’m aware the plastic will take a lot longer to break down. Would that plastic eventually turn into micro plastic and spoil the soil?

In: 14

4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

I think the implication is that *you should be composting* the compostable materials. Direct food waste should be composted directly in a residential composter and “compostable material” items like alternative plastic utensils, containers, bags, etc., should be composted in industrial composing facilities than can handle this waste.

Landfills are infamously poor at naturally degrading even easily compostable materials. You can go do your local dump right now and dug up a perfectly readable newspaper from 1955.

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