do most chefs actually wear those chef hats, If so why? And if not where does the idea that they do come from?


Been puzzling me for a while.

In: Other

27 Answers

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It definitely isn’t a standard. Although, I have studied in two different Canadian culinary schools that made us where them! They are terrible, sticky annoying and cumbersome.

One open style kitchen I worked in made us wear a style of Barret. I actually didn’t mind this to much, it was a classy joint and made us all look pretty dignified!

The one tradition that I can’t stand is calling people “chef”. Most “chefs” I’ve worked with aren’t red seal certified, have any schooling or don’t deserve the respect for that matter. I feel like calling someone “chef” is a high sing of respect that should be earned. Most places use it as a power trip!

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