do most chefs actually wear those chef hats, If so why? And if not where does the idea that they do come from?


Been puzzling me for a while.

In: Other

27 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

I worked in a large arena kitchen that hosted an NHL team. We had an executive chef, and he had 2 executive sous chefs.

Every restaurant had a chef, and a first cook who was a sous chef in all but name.

In total, we had about 40 or 50 kitchen staff. Our chefs all wore the paper chef hats so we were able to spot the management staff. It especially helped newer staff members learn who was in charge.

It’s a status symbol in some kitchens. A lot of people hate them. I’ve known some chefs who refuse ro answer to anything but ‘chef’ when wearing one.

Kitchens are weird, man.

Anonymous 0 Comments

The chefs in the hotel I work in wear small black hats or bandanas. One or two just wear hairnets

Anonymous 0 Comments

What about the Japanese chefs that are cooking Hibachi? Are those the same hats?

Anonymous 0 Comments

I work in a restaurant with an open kitchen and a hat is mandatory at all times, we all just wear baseball caps and a white button up T-shirt provided by the restaurant.

From what I understand and what may be obvious is it’s just to prevent hair and sweat from getting in the food and those goofy ass hats would just not be practical in a busy kitchen environment

Anonymous 0 Comments

The only proper head covering is Chef Ramsey’s amazing hair or a tight pony tail. Perhaps I’ve said too much.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Not sure if it’s true, but my old chef used to tell us they started wearing the white floppy looking hats because the ceilings of cellars and whatnot would drip, so the hat would catch that and keep it out of the food. Although I dont fucking know

Anonymous 0 Comments

It gives your rat a place to stay without being seen while he’s telling you how to prepare soup in Patton Oswalts voice.