Do multivitamins actually work?


I’ve been told that you just pass them through your digestive system like a seed by some and then that they are critical to your health by others.

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28 Answers

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I mean, yes and no.
So do multivitamins work? Yes.
Do they pass through your digestive system? B, C, B12, B6, Biotin,, Thiamin, Folate, Niacin and Riboflavin, these last 5 are just vitamin b, to mention some, does on account of being water soluble, so what it cant use, is sent out with the waste.
However, A, D, E and K, are fat-soluble, and needs to be taken up via aa different procces to do so efficiently they need to be taken with fatty foods, your body still picks it up, just not as well, as if you had eaten it from say, a fish instead, its also stored in your fat, so taking too much of these is also bad.
To little vitamin A, cause cause night blindness and blindness, as well as thick skin, while to much causes hypervitominosis a, which is lucky to fix, just stop the intake of vitamin A, and ya gucchi.
too little vitamin B, causes various skin issues, as well as anemia, while to much vitamin b3 can cause liver damage, too little C causes scurvy which opens up old wounds, while to much causes you to shit your guts out, too little vitamin D, causes bone issues, too much causes hypervitaminosis d, too like E can cause blood issues, but is hella rare to happen, and too much can maybe possible, not sure, cause heart failure, to much or too little K can cause blood issues.
Before taking vitamins, its best to have a blood test to get them checked, which will tell you which you are getting enough, too much or too little, and adjust what kinda vitamins you take.

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