Do people with a form of bipolar tend to have anger issues?


Do people with a form of bipolar tend to have anger issues?

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4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

coming from someone diagnosed with bipolar disorder, this is a difficult question given bipolar disorder isn’t in any way a “one size fits all diagnosis”. rage is a better word than anger, and rage is a case-by-case symptom. it really depends.

editing to say that someone with bipolar disorder definitely could have anger/anger issues. but i don’t consider being generally overall “angry” to be a clear-cut indicator of or symptom of bipolar disorder. example: i get rageful, but overall i’m not an angry person at all. my rage stems from being triggered by being irritated. but i get sad and down way, way more than i experience rage or anger.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Anger isn’t always a constant in bipolar disease. It’s could different polar opposites on the spectrum. Yes, anger has happiness, but anxiety has calmness, depression has a balanced mood. Several different combinations of highs and lows exist. It’s not always exaggerated anger that can be diagnosed.

Anonymous 0 Comments


Anonymous 0 Comments

I always say that having BP is being just like everyone else but turned up to 11. Everyone experiences BP a little differently but having anger issues is not uncommon. A lot of BP people have problems with self control and getting angry and lashing out is just another form of losing control