Do the ridged roofs on the houses in Bermuda actually increase rain capture?


Saw a video recently looking at houses in Bermuda and rain collection. They claimed that the ridges on the roof increase the surface area in order to increase rain capture.
Surely rainfall is even over a surface regardless of terrain and therefore a ridged roof would collect the same amount as a smooth slopes roof?

In: 16

9 Answers

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The idea isn’t that it is going to somehow get more rain to fall on the roof than if it was evenly sloped, which as you rightly guessed would be impossible.

Instead what the steps are intended to do is slow down the flow of the rain as it runs off the roof so that it can be caught by the gutters and stored in a tank under the house. If the roof was just a straight slope then the water would hit the gutter going quickly and some portion of it could splash over. Instead by increasing the surface area while not changing the overall slope the friction of the water flowing is increased and its speed reduced.

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