Perfect equality, where everyone has the same size slice of the economic pie, demands: A) that people *choose* to be doing whatever they are doing, B) the numbers of people who *want* to do any particular job is the number of people that *need* to be doing that particular job, and C) people don’t expect higher pay than someone else because they consider what they are doing as more valuable than what someone else is doing.
A doctor is a doctor because they *want* to be a doctor, and there are as many people who want to be doctors as *need* to be doctors; a fast food worker is a fast food worker because they *want* to be a fast food worker, and there are as many people who *want* to be fast food workers as *need* to be fast food workers. And everyone, doctor or fast food worker, is paid the same, and enjoys the same standard of living.
I think you can begin to see the problem.
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