do we need broke.people for the world to function? if so how many percent need to be broke, middle class or rich?


cause if everyone was getting 10k USD per day and was rich the value of money would be gone ofc

we have people working fastfood jobs or driving taxis barely making ends meet, could the world still function if everyone lived a comfortable life? maybe everyone was at least middle class?

In: 245

26 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Poverty is a component of the current system to force people to do work that they wouldn’t otherwise do. If your choice is to shovel shit or starve, you shovel shit.

Work (usually) creates useful goods and services that are then traded around for other useful goods and services.

Capitalism does require poverty in order to maintain the distribution of production. Marx called it the reserve army of labor, but the same basic concept exists within so-called mainstream economics as the Non Accelerating Inflation Rate of Unemployment. The theoretical argument is that if unemployment gets too low, scarce goods get consumed too quickly and that causes inflation as buyers compete by bidding up prices.

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