Do you benefit the same from working out multiple times a day and one whole workout?


e.g. 3×10 mins; morning, afternoon and evening vs. 30 min workout at once.

In: Biology

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Two-a-day workouts can be a good idea, but only if you stick to a structured workout plan with enough time for rest. There are many benefits to working out twice a day. It reduces your sedentary time and overall performance. But twice-a-day workouts also carry a risk of overtraining and injury.

But beyond that, studies have shown that short bursts of high-intensity interval training can be more effective than 45 minutes of less strenuous exertion. … Studies have shown that short bursts of high-intensity interval training can be more effective than 45 minutes of less strenuous exertion

Anonymous 0 Comments

Depends what kind of benefits/results you’re looking for. Resistance? Most likely. Working out multiple times a day might give you a boost in your brain to be more driven. Physically-wise, it really depends on the workout. If you’re doing multiple high-intensity workouts, it will likely cause more damage to your body, as you are straining your body by pushing it to its limits. You need time to recover and recharge, which are all fundamental in giving you the results/benefits you seek. On the other hand, if you are doing very light, easy workouts multiple times a day where you are not pushing yourself to the core, I think you will still be able to see results but you need to continuously fuel yourself with the right nutrients throughout the day.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Depends what your target is. It will obviously be worse for endurance but for strenght and power it may even be better since you can put more effort into 3 10 mins workouts spaced apart than 1 30 min one.