Does a battery go through a discharge cycle when charging?


Let’s say I have my phone or laptop with a lithium ion battery and a setting that does not allow the battery to go above 60% and I charge device up to 60%. If I use the device for several hours in this state (or as long as the battery would have taken to discharge 100%), would I have done one charge cycles worth of damage to the battery? Or would the same chemicsl reaction not happen and the health of the battery would be better than if it had discharged and been recharged?

With a setting like this, is it better for thr life of the battery to charge the device to 60% and use it to 30% and recharge it, or is it better to keep it on a constant charge?

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3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

It is better to go from 30-60% keeping it on a single charge makes the battery “lazy” which means it’s total capacity goes down, but charging and discharging all the way can damaged it too due to certain ions being permanently changed due to the extremes you are asking if it, the changed state can not be charged or discharged again meaning your battery now has a lower capacity, keeping it at 30-60 lowers the chance of it permenantly changing

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