Does distance affect light in the double slit experiment?

337 viewsOtherPhysics

If you are passing light from light years away through it does the behavior of the electron still change based on observation?

In: Physics

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

A photon is a photon, whether it was created nanoseconds or years ago. Also, to the photon, time does not pass!

If you want to, the [Quantum Eraser Experiment]( (or better yet, [Delayed-Choice Quantum Eraser]( may be of interest to you, looking at what happens if you work with quantum-entangled particles in a double-slit experiment.

Anonymous 0 Comments

dude that’s a wild thought. like light from light years away still acting like it’s “watched” is crazy. it’s like the universe is always on show.

Anonymous 0 Comments

dude that’s a wild question like light years away and still affects things here. it’s like we’re all connected in this weird quantum dance. still changes based on observation tho. crazy stuff right