Does everything erode with enough time?


Stone steps erode with every footstep, leading to indents over time, right? But other things seem to erode on their own through time alone, so what causes that? Wind and rain? Would it therefore be correct to say that anything, if subjected to constantly running water, loses a few atoms every second and would eventually erode? Would this mean nothing is technically 100% waterproof? Or can things erode on their own without an external force? Thanks!

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7 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Yes. In time, everything erodes. Wind, rain, running water….

Niagara Falls is eroding up the river. It’s moving by about a foot per year.

The Grand Canyon formed because the river slowly eroded away the surrounding rock.

The Appalachian Mountains once rose as high as the Himalayas, many many millions of years ago. Over time the wind and the rain slowly grinded them down.

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