Does having less limbs mean you need less nutritional input daily? If yes, then how does the brain know what is needed?


Does having less limbs mean you need less nutritional input daily? If yes, then how does the brain know what is needed?

In: 6

2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

It actually balances out according to research. The extra effort amputees exert to do tasks in a world designed for people with all their limbs means they burn more calories per day.

The feeling of hunger has many complex triggers based on several different chemical signals from the stomach, intestines, and other parts of the body. Surprisingly the actual calorie content of what we consume is only a small part of the stimulation that tells us when we’re hungry.

Anonymous 0 Comments

As far as basal metabolic rate (read – the calories you burn if you lie in bed and do nothing else) – yes.

In practice – the added effort to live in a world meant for able bodied people tips the scales in favor of evening out, or even surpassing calorie burn of an able bodied person.