Does making cows do strength training generate more meat?


Does making cows do strength training generate more meat?

In: 7

7 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Possibly, depending on how you define the question.

Does it make more meat in the world overall? No. You’d have to feed the cows more to grow more muscle, and it would be easier to just feed more total cows than to add meat to existing cows.

Does it make more meat per cow? Maybe. We could probaly force cows to grow more muscles (though not much, I’d bet, since the hormones of female cows would not support that much muscle growth), but it would likely lean them out in terms of fat, so you’d end up with pretty lean muscle, more protein and less fat.

Ultimately, you can force cows to gain muscle, but it’s unlikely it would be worth it in terms of creating more meat for consumption.

Anonymous 0 Comments

It most likely would, but we already don’t eat bulls because their meat is too stringy and tough because of their increased musculature vs. beef cows. It would likely not create desirable meat to put Bessie on a powerlifting regimen.

Anonymous 0 Comments

There’s a breed of cattle, Belgian Blue, that look absolutely jacked. But it’s due to genetics, not excercise. They have a defective myostatin gene, it normally inhibits muscle development. Gorillas lack myostatin too, that’s why they look ripped compared to humans.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Cows already have different cuts because the meat comes out different based on how the muscle is used. More active muscles are usually meatier tasting but also tougher and more suitable for stewing.

The most expensive cuts tend to be the ones that are more tender and suitable for fast cooking methods. So if you’re going to either turn tender cuts into tough ones or increase the size of already tough cuts, you’d likely be better off growing another whole cow instead

Anonymous 0 Comments

You ask this question, but without montage of cows working out to the final countdown or Rocky theme?

Anonymous 0 Comments

Strength training does not create new muscles; it just results in bigger muscles with more protein in them. That means lots of lean mean. But, lean meat is stringy and tough; it’s the fat in the meat that makes it tasty. The best meat cows are couch potatoes.

Anonymous 0 Comments

You don’t need to make them do any training, just inject them with hormones. Which is exactly what the industry standard has been for like 40 years or so. Animals aren’t pussies like humans are, they don’t have to actually work out to get hypertrophy.