Does maple syrup expire? and if it does what it turn after?


I’m sorry if this is uttlerly ignorant also english isn’t my native lenguage.

A little background when I was 6 o 7 y/o my grand ma made pancakes and used a very special (to her) maple syrup. We didn’t live in Canada or the US and at the time in my country you couldn’t find it in a the store. So she keep it for a long long time.

I ate my pancakes and it was delicious. Then I went to my house to wait to my mom to come home. But I fell asleep. Like on a very deep sleep.
To the point I didn’t hear my mom knocking the door, yelling my trought the window and ultimally I didn’t hear my uncle tearing down the front door. My mom tried to wake me up I didn’t woke up until I was in an ambulance on my way to the hospital.

My mom checked the bottle and it was expired since ’76 and this happened in the 90’s .

I never found and an answer on why it has that reaction on my. I didn’t feel ill in anyway I was just soo sleepy. In fact I spend the night in the hospital with IV and had the best night of sleep of my life

So, what does mapple syrup turn after so many years expired?

In: 17

7 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

“super sleepy” sounds like a diabetic blood sugar spike. Are you diabetic or have some problem processing sugar? Had you been eating poorly or fasting for multiple days prior to eating? That could provide hyperglycemia without diabetes.

If it’s not that, maybe alcohol? Syrup can mold eventually so it’s possible yeast managed to colonize in the bottle, but even if that happened it probably wouldn’t be enough to make you pass out that thoroughly from the small amount that gets put on pancakes – it probably wasn’t more than 6 ounces, which wouldn’t put a baby down that hard let alone a 7 year old – and i doubt grandma would fail to notice that the syrup smelled like wine/mead and not syrup.

Did the doctors ever tell you what the problem was? because that would help narrow it down a great deal. Did they wake you up with IV saline? with smelling salts? did you wake up naturally? Did your grandma eat any and if so did she get any symptoms?

I’m more inclined to blame something related to the pancakes themselves than I would the syrup, no matter how expired that syrup is.

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