Does our body naturally produce and use mRNA to communicate between cells or is mRNA only a lab created tool?


Does our body naturally produce and use mRNA to communicate between cells or is mRNA only a lab created tool?

In: Biology

5 Answers

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DNA is all the information of all of our genes. Most of our cells carry all our DNA, with red blood cells being a notable exception with no DNA in mature cells. Our cells aren’t all using all that information, and they certainly don’t need all of it at once. Plus all the DNA is in the nucleus and never leaves, while all protein is made by ribosomes outside the nucleus.

To get protein instructions from nucleus to ribosomes, DNA is “transcribes” and a copy is made of a particular section. That copy is mRNA and gets transported out of the nucleus to where it can be read or “translated” by ribosomes into DNA. The m stands for “messenger” because the mRNA molecules are there messenger that deliver DNA instructions to ribosomes that make proteins.

Bacteria don’t have a nucleus, but they still don’t make protein straight from DNA and also make mRNA.

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