Does reading fiction activate different parts of the brain than watching TV or scrolling through social media?


How does reading fiction differ from watching a show or those videos on social media platforms?

In: 1085

27 Answers

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I will comment as someone who does cognitive assessments. Reading is not a simple universal activity, and neither is watching TV or videos. Every person reads differently and we read different things differently. You read a quick paperback differently than you read a textbook you are going to be tested upon. So the cognitive skills involved can be very different. It is possible to “read” or “watch tv” and passively go through the motions with no significant cognitive involvement. The experience of reading or watching is inside of the person’s brain, not in the external material.

You can know how one person reads certain things with a certain intent at a certain time, but you cannot generalize this. It is one of the irritating things seen on the many subreddits about books and videos. People say, “I want a book (or video) that will make me do X, or feel X.” As if there is something that resides in the material and everyone who reads a book or watches a video has the same experience. It simply does not work that way.

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