Someone at work brought this up and my head almost exploded because it sounds like total BS. They said if a sedentary mother gave birth to a baby who grew up to become an extreme athlete (ultra marathon runner/someone who just never stopped moving their whole life), technically the baby is “atomically” older because more energy has passed through them. Is this just malarkey?
In: 0
Its hard to say. We comprehend the concept of our time on earth as a beginning and an end. Thats the scale we measure, “age,” by in terms of hours/days/years. We assign our existence to a number. But we exist on many levels.
The rate at which our cells divide and are destroyed has the potential to, “speed up,” the biological symptoms of what we understand as aging.
but if our concept of time (as we know it) is flawed, then we’d technically only be able to categorize our existence into terms of energy & speed.
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