Does the Earth have a finite number of molecoles? if so, does stuff like trash and plastic take away from food and water on a molecular level?


Is it true that once we die our atoms cycle through the system through decomposition? Are we are drinking dinosaur pee? Where do new atoms come from if we don’t have a finite number of building blocks? I feel like im confusing a bunch of different sciences but can someone please explain?

In: 6

6 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Atoms are not innately part of objects? They move around become parts of new molecules, and become new “substances” all the time through chemical reactions, physical mutations, heat…etc.

Your body is not made up of the same atoms it was 10 years ago. Every single atom has been replaced, some of them thousands of times. On an atomic scale, the human body is continuously breaking apart and changing through different forms of molecules.

There are a finite number of atoms, so there is a finite number of molecules that could possibly be made. But trash and plastic are a VERY small number of atoms compared to all the atoms in the surface of the earth (not even counting the whole volume of the earth). So, no, we are not going to run out of molecules anytime soon, because we have more than enough, and we’re constantly gathering and reusing them. Though that being said, trash and plastic do have a negative impact on the planet, but as a bigger picture, not so much on an atomic level.

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