Does the Earth have a finite number of molecoles? if so, does stuff like trash and plastic take away from food and water on a molecular level?


Is it true that once we die our atoms cycle through the system through decomposition? Are we are drinking dinosaur pee? Where do new atoms come from if we don’t have a finite number of building blocks? I feel like im confusing a bunch of different sciences but can someone please explain?

In: 6

6 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Yes, there is a finite number of atoms that make up our planet.

An yes when they bury you after your death you will eventually decompose and have your components be recycled into other stuff.

You are probably drinking dinosaur pee.

The number of atoms is not 100% fixed but only a very tiny amount of new stuff gets added over time by space rocks crashing into earth and a very small amount of atmosphere is lost over time to space. Mostly what we have now is what we started out with when life began on this planet. (There was a period called late heavy bombardment very early on where lots of rocks from space rained down on the planet, but once that slowed down things stayed mostly the same.)

As for where the atoms come from that make up out planet?

Hydrogen and bits of Helium have been around since shortly after the big bang all the other heavier elements are mostly formed by stars fusing lighter elements together. The really heavy elements when stars exploded.

*We are star stuff.*

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