Does the Giver Bacteria lose the antibiotic-resistance ability after plasmid transfer ?


Is it possible that the receiver bacterial attach the plasmid ( with antibiotic resistance gene ) to their own DNA and replicate themselves to make the new whole colony of antibiotic resistance bacterials ?

In: 1

2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

In some cases, the Giver bacterium may lose its antibiotic-resistance ability after plasmid transfer, but it depends on various factors. Plasmid transfer doesn’t guarantee permanent retention of the resistance genes in the recipient bacterium. Over time, selective pressures, changes in the environment, or other genetic mechanisms may lead to the loss of the plasmid or its resistance genes. However, in certain conditions, the resistance genes can persist, potentially contributing to the spread of antibiotic resistance in bacterial populations.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Wow I’m impressed. I would think to receive explanation at the level of a 5 year old, you ought to ask the question at the level of a 5 year old! Could be the most incrompehebsible question I read here…
Not hating just… impressed. 😉