Does the required time to heat a body from 20°C to 40°C the same as from 40°C to 60°C?


Does the required time to heat a body from 20°C to 40°C the same as from 40°C to 60°C?

In: 9

24 Answers

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Heat transfer operates on the temperature difference between the hot thing and the cold thing. As that temperature difference gets smaller, less heat is transferred between the two objects. Eventually, they reach the same temperature and no heat is transferred.

Using this knowledge, starting at 20 C, your object gains more heat per unit time and thus heats faster than the same object would starting at 40 C, also assuming the heat “giver” is the same each time.

Of course, this is a complicated subject with several university courses devoted to it. Materials tend to change their thermodynamic properties as their temperatures change so you can get really large and complex (and unsolvable!) equations to determine how much heat is transfered in certain scenarios

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