Downcycling and Upcycling, which is one is more efficient and when?


I’ve been reading alot lately about Recycling because my neighbourhood wants to go “green” etc. Lately Upcycling has also been mentioned alot and i know that Upcycling is more of a direct process than Recycling since i can just do upcycling from home. But which one’s actually better for the environment? Sorry, i hope my question is somewhat clear!

Thank you guys

In: 16

6 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Reduce, reuse, recycle in that order. If you can avoid buying something in the first place by borrowing a tool from a friend for instance that’s the best thing to do. It also includes buying used when you can because that’s always greener than buying a newly produced item. Reuse means if you buy something, using it until it’s worn out or finding something else to do with it when you’re done with it is better than throwing it out. Recycling is better than throwing stuff into a landfill but not as eco-friendly as avoiding buying it in the first place, so it’s last in the order.

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