Ed Sheeran successfully defended his copyright court case, what is chord progression and why do so many songs use it?


I watched a video where he demonstrated that many songs use the same tune / Chord progression (?). What is chord progression and why was the one in question essentially uncopyrightable?

In: 531

25 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Trying to be a little more “explain like I’m five” than the rest of the answers on here if I can…

A chord is 2 or more notes played together.

Depending on the which two notes they are… they will either will make you feel happy or sad. A better way to describe this is that they will have a feeling of tension or relief or somewhere in between. Some combos feel like a lot of tension, and others feel like just a little tension and same with relief chords. There are also chords that feel perfectly neutral.

A chord progression is a “journey” through a sequence of chords, generally they end on a “relief chord” at least with Western pop music.

So the question is: can you copyright that journey? I think most musicians would tell you “no.”

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