Elementary states of matter


My son, second grade, is doing states of matter. We were trying to help him label different examples for solid, liquids, and gasses. In his science textbook, it mentions that you can’t see a gas and that steam is a liquid because it’s just water suspended in the air, but on his worksheet, by a different source, has fog and smoke as an example of a gas. I’ve always thought of smoke as a gas on a base level. I understand that there are particles being suspended in the air that you can see, but can someone help the states of matter so I can help my son with his homework.

In: 2

6 Answers

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All particles are moving, solids are tightly parked particles that can only vibrate in place, liquids are particles that have a little more space around them and can slip past each other as they vibrate, gases have more distance between the particles and do not touch.
Fog is water vapor, a gas, and so is steam. Room temperature water is a liquid and ice is a solid. Hope this helps. I wouldn’t get too technical with a second grader.

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