Eli5- A.D., B.C., C.E., And B.P.


So I’ve tried googling this before and I am still so stupid and confused like my brain cannot wrap around how to read these different abbreviations for time and what they actually mean.

The easiest is B.P. (Before present/1950) because I can just do the calculation to turn that into C.E. (Current Era – so like saying 2023 CE is right now, right?), but how do these ways of expressing time translate to one another?

Like for example, A.D. (“in the year of the lord”, but does this translate to C.E.? Are these the same?) 500 vs 500 B.C. (Before Christ? I’m not religious so idk what this really means irl). How are these different and how do they translate into B.P. And C.E. terms? How can I remember which one to use? Explain it to me like I’m 5 and like it’s my first day on the fucking planet. Thank you!

In: 54

26 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Now add in [Unix epoch time](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unix_time), which is the actual time that literally every computer you interact with is thinking in and referencing. It starts on January 1st, 1970 AD/CE UTC, and it’s measured in seconds since that time and date.

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