Eli5: a home AC unit. The differences between “cool”, “auto”, “dry”. What is actually happening in these settings and which should I use?


It’s currently 38 degrees Celsius outside.

My ac remote also has things like “I Feel”, “Health”, “Turbo”.

What do they all mean?

In: 160

11 Answers

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current temp – 38

Temp set for AC – 22

Cool :
AC will start working to cool down the room temp to 22 degrees , if it goes lower than 22 it will turn off/ go on standby.

This is different from Auto setting as , in Auto AC will maintain 22 degrees which can include both cooling or heating up the room.

Heat works as Cool but in reverse .

Dry – ACs in general reduce humidity in the room which is useful esp in summer as in often cases Humidity is what makes heat uncomfortable.

Turbo – AC works extra hard to quickly achieve set temperature.

Health and feel options – look into AC manual it would explain those.

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