eli5 aerobic vs anaerobic


If I do 10 ( max is 20) pushups are they aerobic or anaerobic?If running is aerobic then why does it produce a burning sensation?

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7 Answers

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Exercises aren’t aerobic or anaerobic, not ‘really’

the way your body generates power to do things you want to do is what is aerobic or anaerobic

your anaerobic system is what gives you that immediate burst of short term power, anything you do for 5-10s or whatever is mostly using your anaerobic system

your aerobic system generates less peak power but can go ‘forever’ for hours and hours at least

so 1 rep max heavy squat is anaerobic because that’s the system in the body that its using to do the work

if you wanted to do 100 squats that would be an aerobic exercise

cycling is largely aerobic until you try and sprint up a hill at the end of a 3h ride then you’re using your anaerobic system

and both those things work the muscles, both can produce burning sensations

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