Eli5: Am I being wasteful?


With the heat wave thats hittibg my country I was watering my back yard today, and began wondering if there Is such a thing as wasting water when doing so… I mean, it re-enters the water cycle, doesn’t It? Besides if its absorbed by the plants AND grass … Is It really wasted?

In: 82

23 Answers

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1. The water cycle ends up with most water in the ocean. The same amount of water, just less useful.

2. Watering decorative grass lawns in areas prone to droughts is inherently wasteful in a world where supply of fresh water is diminishing and demand for fresh water is increasing.

3. If you *must* water your lawn, do it early in the evening or late at night where less of the water will evaporate before the plants can use it, and make sure you don’t have runoff going into the gutters. Water less often and more deeply so the water soaks deep into the soil instead of sitting on the surface to evaporate, and to encourage the plants to grow deeper roots.

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