Eli5: Am I being wasteful?


With the heat wave thats hittibg my country I was watering my back yard today, and began wondering if there Is such a thing as wasting water when doing so… I mean, it re-enters the water cycle, doesn’t It? Besides if its absorbed by the plants AND grass … Is It really wasted?

In: 82

23 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

1. Grass is watered.
2. Water enters ground water.
3. Ground water is pumped up for treatment so it’s potable.
4. The water pumping, water treatment, and water distribution from the treatment plant to your house requires energy.
5. Energy is made by burning coal.
6. Coal is finite, and they have to be mined.
7. The process of mining coals, transporting it to the power plant, and processing it to make electricity requires energy.
8. The transportation of coals is likely through trucks, which is powered by gasoline/diesel/oil (fuel)
9. The fuel/oil is finite, it has to be pumped from the ground either domestically, or internationally such as the middle east. All of which requires energy.
10. Most likely the oil is purchased from the middle east, meaning that you’re giving them money. But the more oil countries need, the more dependent countries rely in the middle east.
11. Since oil is finite, the increase in demand because you want to waste water means that the price of oil increases (because there’s limited supply but an increase in demand)
12. The increase in oil price from OPEC would cause an increase in your car gasoline price to go up also. Also increase jet fuel prices for your air flights, so ticket prices go up. So now it’ll be more expensive when you drive and fly.

So yes, you wasting water, electricity, trashing stuff that’s perfectly good, etc. are all considered waste/bad.

You might disagree with #5 about coal, you’re saying sustainable power such as solar panels. Guess what, the materials used to make solar panels are also limited. Not only that, but solar panels doesn’t mean anything if you can’t store it; which is where batteries come in. To make batteries, it requires limited elements such as lithium, iron, zinc, etc. all of which has to be mined (likely in other countries such as china).

Waste just means doing something that isn’t needed. You’re either wasting resources and/or wasting time; it’s best to just avoid it if you can.

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