Eli5: Am I being wasteful?


With the heat wave thats hittibg my country I was watering my back yard today, and began wondering if there Is such a thing as wasting water when doing so… I mean, it re-enters the water cycle, doesn’t It? Besides if its absorbed by the plants AND grass … Is It really wasted?

In: 82

23 Answers

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Between Astramancer and ok_character, you have the best and most complete answer.

Water magnifies and focuses light and it evaporates. Watering during the day makes it evaporate AND it magnifies light, burning leaves rather than cooling them. Water that evaporates gets pulled on atmospheric currents sometimes to the other side of the world.

Water that doesn’t evaporate (watering done at night or early morning) soaks into the ground to be absorbed through the roots of the plants, with the rest either being filtered through layers of sediment and ending up back in the underground water table OR ending up going through the sewer system and recycled by the municipal water authority in the area.

Tldr: water that goes into the ground gets recycled locally. Water that evaporates ends up *anywhere* including raining over oceans and becoming undrinkable salt water.

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