Eli5; Archeology/Geology – as you go down you can “see into the “past”…


I’ve seen this for years and always wondered. When they(geologist/ archeologist) dig down to “discover” things- why is it buried? Where does that dirt come from? Stupidly I would think the earth was getting “bigger” or maybe only some places get buried with age and others loose dirt. What is the process for things thousands of years old getting covered in layers of dirt? How can we tell the age by the “depth”?

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2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Erosion or volcanoes, combined with silt from rivers and decaying plant material build up over centuries to bury cities and monuments in a thick layer of soil. is deposited on the site over time which buries sites. https://youtu.be/EofirRBIh28

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