ELi5: Are calories from alcohol processed differently to calories from carbs/sugar?


I’m trying to lose weight and occasionally have 1-3 glasses of wine (fitting into my caloric intake of course). Just wanted to know if this would impact my weight any differently than if I ate the same calories of sugar. Don’t worry, I’m getting enough nutrition from the loads of veggies and meats and grains I eat the rest of the time.

In: 493

26 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s complicated but not in the technical sense. Yes, a kilojoule is a kilojoule. Yes, you need a deficit for weight reduction. It’s that simple. Until it’s not that simple.

The ability to *consistently* achieve that caloric deficit (which is required for weight loss over time) will be directly mediated by the types of kilojoules you consume.

Kilojoules that alter your decision making, leave you ravenous for a midnight kebab, and mean meal prep goes out the window, aren’t going to set you up for success. Nor is a roller coaster of sugar or carbs where this leads to consuming more calories than required for a deficit because you’re eating every hour or two, nor is one meal a day intermittent fasting that’s 2x days kJ.

You can totally include alcohol as part of your lifestyle, but it just means being conscious of the impact it has in the wider dietary and behaviours, and lifestyle factors to get you where you want to be.

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