ELi5: Are calories from alcohol processed differently to calories from carbs/sugar?


I’m trying to lose weight and occasionally have 1-3 glasses of wine (fitting into my caloric intake of course). Just wanted to know if this would impact my weight any differently than if I ate the same calories of sugar. Don’t worry, I’m getting enough nutrition from the loads of veggies and meats and grains I eat the rest of the time.

In: 493

26 Answers

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I hate to say this, but the model of cutting a certain number of calories leading to a predictable amount of weight loss has been disproven over and over and over again (i.e., the “reduce 3,500 calories, lose a pound of fat” myth). You’ll probably reduce your weight short term, but 95% of diets fail, and calorie restriction can lead to a lower reset of your basal metabolic rate, which can often be permanent or at least very long lasting (see studies on Biggest Loser contestants).

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