ELi5: Are calories from alcohol processed differently to calories from carbs/sugar?


I’m trying to lose weight and occasionally have 1-3 glasses of wine (fitting into my caloric intake of course). Just wanted to know if this would impact my weight any differently than if I ate the same calories of sugar. Don’t worry, I’m getting enough nutrition from the loads of veggies and meats and grains I eat the rest of the time.

In: 493

26 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Alchohol and fructose will make your liver produce a hormone that tells your body to store fat. Glucose does not make your liver produce this hormone.

I highly recommend the talk “[Sugar the Bitter Truth](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kOCPyheVesM)” or one of the [condensed versions](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T8G8tLsl_A4) available on YouTube. Dr. Robert Lustig goes into the new research showing how different sugars are actually processed differently (ie a carb is not a just carb). Alcohol is part of the discussion.

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