ELi5: Are calories from alcohol processed differently to calories from carbs/sugar?


I’m trying to lose weight and occasionally have 1-3 glasses of wine (fitting into my caloric intake of course). Just wanted to know if this would impact my weight any differently than if I ate the same calories of sugar. Don’t worry, I’m getting enough nutrition from the loads of veggies and meats and grains I eat the rest of the time.

In: 493

26 Answers

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Alcohol is processed into sugar. You have an enzyme in your liver that turns alcohol into acetylhyde into acetate (I believe), and eventually into glucose. So it’s sugar with more steps. Otherwise, there’s no difference.

Not all of it is processed. You will pee out a not insignificant amount of the metabolic states before the glucose is available.

The three types of calories are carbs, proteins, and fats. Carbs are converted into fat, but your body can’t make carbs from fat. Proteins can be converted into carbs, but they release ketones when they do. This is why people on ultra low carb diets suffer from ketosis. It has neurological and physical side effects.

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