ELi5: Are calories from alcohol processed differently to calories from carbs/sugar?


I’m trying to lose weight and occasionally have 1-3 glasses of wine (fitting into my caloric intake of course). Just wanted to know if this would impact my weight any differently than if I ate the same calories of sugar. Don’t worry, I’m getting enough nutrition from the loads of veggies and meats and grains I eat the rest of the time.

In: 493

26 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

A calorie is a calorie. Sugar is less calorically dense at 4kcal per gram whereas alcohol is circa 7kcal per gram iirc. I don’t actually recall from undergrad human physiology and metab what the metabolic pathways are strictly for extracting energy for alcohol but it’s something I should revisit (and would right now if I wasn’t drifting off to sleep!).

The important thing you’ve covered insofar as weight loss is IIFYM. If It Fits Your Macros (calorie goal, moreso). Some alcohol intake per week is great for you, and with anything else – moderation is key. Simple thermodynamics dictates weight loss.

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