Eli5 are there in the real world troops that are meant to die, if so how does that work.


in strategy games you usually have troops at the frontline whose sole purpose is to die fighting to buy you time to execute your plans or to protect stronger troops. is this something that happens in real life / used to happen before, if so what are the logistics of it, do the troops know that they are most likely goona die, etc..

In: 399

32 Answers

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I’d say yes, but in reality you are ordering troops into high danger rather than certain death. I think a good example both to illustrate both the similarities and differences between reality and RTS is the Wild Weasel pilots, the American pilots who *intentionally* get targeted by enemy air defenses so they can be located and destroyed. In this case, neither the pilots nor their commanders expect or want those pilots to die, per say, but they are intentionally going into an extremely dangerous scenario. The difference is that reality isn’t perfectly mathed out like RTS. In RTS, your guy follows your commands perfectly, but the enemy unit also has perfect accuracy, so you KNOW for certain if I send this guy here they enemy will kill him. In reality, there are a lot of tactics your guy can use to survive, and there’s a possibility the enemy will miss. So you can get situations like this where yes, you are sending your guys into highly dangerous scenarios to bait out an enemy response, but in the complicated real world that might not mean certain death so is significantly more reasonable to order.

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