Eli5 are there in the real world troops that are meant to die, if so how does that work.


in strategy games you usually have troops at the frontline whose sole purpose is to die fighting to buy you time to execute your plans or to protect stronger troops. is this something that happens in real life / used to happen before, if so what are the logistics of it, do the troops know that they are most likely goona die, etc..

In: 399

32 Answers

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A lot of these answers are drastic oversimplifications. Yes, the Japanese used Kamikazes in WW2, and yes, the Russians have used human wave attacks in Ukraine. But these are the exception, not the rule. The vast majority of militaries have historically not fielded units with the explicit expectation that they would all die, mostly because it’s a massive waste of resources.

Strategy video games also oversimplify how war is fought. In video games, when your unit is defeated, it dies and no longer exists. In reality, that unit front line unit would more commonly be captured or retreat with heavily casualties. It would not actually be completely annihilated.

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