Eli5 are there in the real world troops that are meant to die, if so how does that work.


in strategy games you usually have troops at the frontline whose sole purpose is to die fighting to buy you time to execute your plans or to protect stronger troops. is this something that happens in real life / used to happen before, if so what are the logistics of it, do the troops know that they are most likely goona die, etc..

In: 399

32 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Depends on the fighting force.

In the US army. No. Even back to world war 1 and 2. Yes units would be assigned attacks that weren’t meant to be the big breakout, and instead were meant to distract or stall the enemy and keep them spread out.

But these were smaller tactical objectives, not suicide missions. Just meant to be about to keep the pressure on. Not get people killed needlessly.

Now the Russian forces in Ukraine? Yea there are definitely soldiers there who were drafted/conscripted and then sent into battle with little training, and sent out on missions not that likely to succeed.

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