In sekiro when you drink the guard you hold it like reverse and use your arm to support the weight.
Bo rai chau from mortal kombat psp does the same when he drinks
Jackie Chan does it in the drunken fights I think
Why? Like it looks cool but is there a reason? Is it cultural/historical?
When I google this shit nothing come up
In: 0
Well it’s not just an Asian thing. Look at dudes drinking from moonshine jugs.
So more universally it’s drinking with one hand from unreasonably large and heavy containers that TBH have far more alcohol in them than a single person should be drinking. 😀
The jugs are kind of meant to be held with two hands, and poured into a separate container which you drink from.
Hanging it over the backside of the hand lets you lever it over with different muscles and so you aren’t using your fingers to try and grip and tilt it. Trying to do so with it gripped normally from the top of a jug where it’s narrow is just super hard. The leverage works against you.
And if it’s full and on the heavier side you can sit it on the outside of your arm and use your shoulder muscles to help tilt it.
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