Eli5 Calculators, how do they work?


How do calculators work? Like the device, not a calculator app. Help!

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3 Answers

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Calculators are just simple, simple computers.

All computers operate on some basic principles…

There is an input (usually from a user).

The software then tries to make sense of that input.

The software then comes up with the appropriate output for the given input.

In a word processor app, the inputs are the letter themselves, and the output is displaying the text on the screen.

In a web browser, the inputs are clicking on links, and the output is opening a new web page.

In a game the inputs are the game controls, and the outputs are the corresponding in-game actions.

On a calculator, the inputs are the numbers and mathematical functions, and the outputs are the solutions.

The software of a calculator is basically just a basic blueprint of how to math in the simplest computer language.

So you input a math problem, and the calculator outputs an answer.

Anything that the software can’t understand results in an error.

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