eli5 can anyone technically be able to sing?


If I practiced enough or got the right type of training, would I technically be able to sing well like some of our greatest singers? Is there an anatomical difference in their vocals cords that differentiates singers from people who cant sing?

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81 Answers

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A singer’s biological equipment mainly varies in the size of their voice box, which in turn decides how large their vocal folds are and which frequencies they can vibrate at. In other words, the singer’s vocal range – what notes they can hit with good technique and without harming themselves. We usually talk of a few standard vocal ranges – bass and tenor for males and alto and soprano for females, all in ascending order of frequencies hit – but these are generalizations.
Practicing singing regularly, warming up before a performance and knowing good technique can extend your range, but not without limit.

Obviously, there are other factors that have an influence – if you have respiratory tract illnesses, paralysis of the upper body etc. it can become mechanically impossible to sing.

Also, each human body has slightly differently shaped cavities, bone structure etc. which will interact with the same tone in different ways and produce different [timbres](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timbre) even when two singers are hitting the same note.

So in general, yes, most anyone can learn to sing well, but singers aren’t necessarily equipped for the exact same jobs as one another even if similarly well trained.

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