eli5 can anyone technically be able to sing?


If I practiced enough or got the right type of training, would I technically be able to sing well like some of our greatest singers? Is there an anatomical difference in their vocals cords that differentiates singers from people who cant sing?

In: 290

81 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Yes and no, Morgan Freeman has a voice that many people love and his vocal cords are different than mine which is why people don’t think that Morgan Freeman is talking when I speak.

Of course someone could impersonate Morgan Freeman in a way that most people wouldn’t be able to tell the difference especially if put over a video of him with the lip movement synced.

As for singing there is a very large distance in terms of your ability to sing that would likely bring you into spitting distance of the greats but who are the greatest singers is a reasonably subjective determination. If you want to train your ability to sing focus more on the enjoyment of the art rather than the idea of being seen as the next Pavarotti (Opera singing is a totally different beast than pop music singing, I know). Anyone can sing but some people have a knack and the vocal cords that a majority of people find pleasant.

Tl;Dr: How your vocal cords are structured can help/limit your ability to excel in singing but that shouldn’t stop you from enjoying it

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