[ELI5] Can one physically compress water, like with a cyclinder of water with a hydraulic press on the top, completely water tight, pressing down on it, and what would happen to the water?


[ELI5] Can one physically compress water, like with a cyclinder of water with a hydraulic press on the top, completely water tight, pressing down on it, and what would happen to the water?

In: 1967

69 Answers

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Lots of boring people in this comment section. Yes, water is technically “incompressible” and it would be very hard to do.

But that’s the most boring answer ever. This question is answerable!

So lets assume that OP has a perfect vacuum sealed hydraulic press. OP would apply more and more pressure, and eventually the water would be compressed into a kind of “warm ice”. Warm because it wouldn’t melt at room temperatures.

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