ELi5: Can plants be “overweight” if they produce too much food in the similar fashion to how animals gain weight if they eat too much food?


When animals eat too much food, they gain weight. What happens to a plant that produces too much food via photosynthesis? Can plants be overweight?

In: Biology

27 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Echoing what others have said about trees being over-encumbered with fruit: When I picked oranges and mandarins on a citrus farm if there was a bumper crop that year it wasn’t uncommon to find branches with so much fruit that they were dragging down to the floor (and ping up once picked!) Or worst case the branch has snapped but you hope the fruit is still fresh to pick

Anonymous 0 Comments

My cactuses are overweight. I watered them too much so the top is so fat that they can’t stand up. The pot and everything is lying sideways. They are still alive though.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Not exactly overweight, but plants can grow so much they hurt themselves. The example I’m familiar with is Bradford pear tree. They tend to have too many branches angled too close together. As they grow it literally starts to push the tree apart making it very susceptible to storm damage

Anonymous 0 Comments

It probably depends on the plant.

Some can store starch that can be used later, a bit like adipose tissue in mammals. Things like potatoes will store it in their tubers.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Not the same I guess but there’s a herbicide that kills the plants by causing it to grow so quickly it will kill itself because it can not possibly get enough water to keep up with the demand that the growing puts on it so they will dehydrate.

Anonymous 0 Comments

It depends, some plants can store excess energy as humans store fat (tubers, bulbs, rhyzomes). If a plant can do that, they will (potato plants will make more and bigger potatoes, plants, like onions and liliums, who have bulbs will make their bulbs bigger). Plants which don’t have those organs will do different things. Take for example, trees: most trees will choose to make and grow more stem and leaves instead of flowers (which causes problems), some plants, for example, can store excess nutrients on themselves (which is a grave problem in things that we eat) without any noticeable changes in size. This is called “luxury consumption” and it’s a problem. This is overly simplified because it’s eli5 but you can ask if you want clarifications on any item.

Source: I’m an agronomer and my life is plants and plants accesories.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I bought my house four years ago, and we watered a half cut down little tree in my backyard, not knowing it was a peach tree. Winter, and spring passed, that first summer, it produced maybe 30/40ish peaches. A buddy of mine gave me advice and said “Put a piece of ribbon tape on every little branch shoot that doesn’t produce peaches. When winter hits and the nutrients go back in the ground, slice those branches off.”

Sounded easy peasey, so I did it. Next year, I had over 100 peaches. Rinse and repeat for several more years.

Last summer, I produced so many peaches half of my tree snapped in half. I plan on adding supports to my wild branches this year so it doesn’t happen again… I love peaches!