ELI5, can some please explain to me how time dialation works?


Like how can time move slightly faster when i’m somewhere else? Also how, like in interstellar, a day on our planet was like 1,4 seconds on that one planet? I can’t seem to wrap my head around the concept of that…

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12 Answers

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Dumbed down:

Matter does have a speed cap that is the speed of light. Any thing has to obey the speed limit. This includes movement in space and movement of electrons in the atoms and other particles.

A chemical reaction happens by moving electrons and other particles in space. So does a movement in space, it’s a movement of electrons and nucleus in space.

So, take a zero speed human with a mechanical clock in his hand and a electric clock in the other:

Person’s body uses the full speed of electrons and nucleus to experience time, mechanical clock can swing its parts full speed, and electrical clock can swing electricity at full speed.

Take the same person and two clocks and shoot him at 50% speed of light:

Human’s chemistry will happen at 50% speed cause 50% of the max speed is already used to move in space. The mechanical clock also will use 50% of speed to move in space and 50% to operate, electric clock’s electricity will also use 50% speed to travel in space, and only 50% will be available to operate the circuits. The result is that this second group will experience time 50% slower.

A comparison that comes to mind is the helicopter speed limit. It can’t practically have supersonic blades. So if you fly forward, your advancing blade will move in the air at the rotational speed plus the helicopter speed. If you want to fly forward at Mach .3 you need your rotor to have at maximum a Mach .7 blade tip speed relative to the copter. Conversely a stationary helicopter could, in theory, spin the main rotor at Mach 1 blade tip speed.

The faster you want the copter to fly, the slower the rotor can be. I’m digressing but that’s why copters can’t be practically faster than a certain amount.

Back to time, imagine an electron revolving around the nucleus of an atom. The electron can’t exceed speed of light, so as soon as you move the nucleus in a direction, the electron has to drop its revolution speed. Similarly that electron won’t perform a chemical or electrical duty at full rate as some speed is used to just keep up with the movement in space.

Now, this story works as long as you are a basic human with random job like me. I bet a true scientist wants to kill me for what I just said.

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