ELI5, can some please explain to me how time dialation works?


Like how can time move slightly faster when i’m somewhere else? Also how, like in interstellar, a day on our planet was like 1,4 seconds on that one planet? I can’t seem to wrap my head around the concept of that…

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12 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Well the reason why is “because it is”, that’s simply how reality works.

But how we got the idea might help you wrap your head around it.

In classic phyiscs there was a little problem that was considered mostly a small oddity, the fact that a fast observer would experience electromagnetical fields differently that a resting one. Depending on your viewpoint an electric field would look like a magnetic field and vice versa.

The only mathematically working solution to explain this behavior would be that time passes at a different pace for different observers, that there is no universal “now” that all viewpoints agree to be the same.

As you can imagine that idea was considered pretty insane, but then we did experiments to test it, and it actually turned out to be true. Every single experiment we constructed to measure that effect came out confirming it.

And today we have technology that wouldn’t work without correcting for time dilation. GPS satellites for example have to adjust their clocks to stay in sync with each other to be able to measure distances correctly

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