eli5: Can someone live a healthy full life by substituting vegetables with regular multivitamins


eli5: Can someone live a healthy full life by substituting vegetables with regular multivitamins

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6 Answers

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It’s likely it will cut off a few years of life, but we don’t really know how many or why. Basically every study says that eating more plants, especially veggies, leads to improved health and longevity. But those studies don’t say why veggies and other plants are so helpful. It probably involves something about micronutrients and fiber, but neither of those things in isolation seem to make too much of a difference. That is, vitamin supplementation without a deficiency doesn’t seem to help overall health. Fiber supplementation without a
deficiency/bowel disorder doesn’t seem to help too much. Maybe. We’re not entirely sure yet.

It’s very unlikely you’ll get sick very quickly with the diet you describe. And maybe it won’t do anything harmful long term. But the best evidence is that veggies will make you live longer and healthier.

“Eat food. Mostly plants. Not too much.” It’s still great advice.

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