Eli5 Can you smoosh bacteria ?


Say for example you press your finger hard against something, desk, laptop or phone would that pressure “smoosh” the bacteria or any other microscopic organisms?

In: 281

16 Answers

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OK here we go.

Imagine you have a tiny, squishy toy. When you press your fingger hard against something, like a desk or a phone, it’s like you’re squishing the tiny toy between your finger and the object.

Now, think about bacteria and other microscopic organisms as even tinier, squishier toys. When you press your finger hard against an object, you might squish some of them, but not all. Some of these tiny “toys” can be tough, and they might just wiggle around and survive the squish. So, pressing hard might smoosh some bacteria or tiny organisms, but not all of them. That’s why we need to wash our hands and clean surfaces to get rid of them!

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